7 Steps to Creating a Positive Environment at Home

7 Steps to Creating a Positive Environment at Home

Creating a positive environment at home is essential for fostering happiness, reducing stress, and promoting overall well-being. It is also fun from time to time to revisit our current layout to make some improvements and free up space.

In this article, I’ll share my favorite steps and tricks I use to uplift my spirit using my environment. Following these steps, you can do the same and transform your home into a sanctuary of love, positivity, feel good and peace. I hope you like it!


Step 1: Declutter and Organize

Why Decluttering Matters?

This is a cornerstone to positivity. A cluttered environment leads to a confused mind and can be a significant source of stress and anxiety. A clutter-free home promotes a sense of calm and order, making it easier to relax and focus on the things that truly matter.

How to Declutter Your Home?

Start by tackling one room at a time. My favorites are the bedroom, the kitchen and the living room.

  • For the bedroom, there can be 2 focus:
    1. Clothes: you can sort items into 3 categories: keep, donate, and discard. Only keep only what you truly need or love.
    2. Bed: change the bed orientation if space allows. Best sleep comes when NOT facing north.
  • For the kitchen I like to focus on counter space so I can easily maintain it clean.

  • The living room is mainly up to preferences, I keep it simple, couch, coffee table, dining table and a little shelf. No status, fake flowers, table runners or boxes catching dust. My artwork and photos are mostly hanging.

Benefits of an Organized Home

An organized home reduces stress, increases productivity, and creates a more inviting atmosphere. It also makes it easier to maintain cleanliness and order, contributing to a positive environment.


👉 One trick I implemented is: if I see something that bothers me (fairly easy task), I take care of it right away. Examples: 

  • Make the bed: as soon as I get up
  • Doing the dishes as soon as finished cooking
  • Cleaning up a new stain on the carpet as soon as noticed

These were my stacks of items I used to tell myself “I’ll get to eventually” that was sabotaging my chance to maintain a well-organized home. With this method, it helps me focus on more productive things I need to do during the day.

👉 I use checklists and white board to keep track of my daily missions, also cross it off when done! It brings a sense of satisfaction! 🙂At home, I also use a paper calendar where I write all family’s appointments, meetups and activities.

👉 I was often waiting for the perfect occasion to use a brand new equipment or piece of clothing until I realized the perfect occasion never comes! Start using it now, otherwise re-gift, donate or discard.

👉 If you need a mood booster while you’re at it, refer to my other article: 15 Instant Mood Boosters Quick and Effective!

Understandably, we all have busy schedules, and it’s not easy to free up time to implement these steps or tips, which inspires me for a new topic about “Easy way to free up time”, so look forward to that article!



Step 2: Incorporate Natural Elements

The Power of Nature

Nature has a calming effect on our minds and bodies. Bringing natural elements into your home can enhance your mood, improve air quality, and create a more serene atmosphere.

Ways to Add Natural Elements

  • Flowers: My absolute favorite! Adding fresh flowers in the house brings me so much joy. The colors, the fragrance, and their intricate shapes are amazing. 
  • Plants: Indoor plants not only purify the air but also add a touch of greenery and life to your space which is always pleasant.
  • Natural Light: Maximize natural light by keeping windows unobstructed and using light, airy curtains. Also open your windows to renew the air periodically.
  • Natural Materials: Wood, stone, and other natural materials, if possible, in your furniture and decor can contribute to a serene atmosphere.

Creating a Nature-Inspired Space

Incorporate these elements thoughtfully to create a balanced and harmonious environment. A nature-inspired space can significantly enhance the positivity and tranquility of your home.


👉 I love opening windows in the morning, it bring me a sense of freshness coming in. First thing in the bedroom for 5 min before making the bed and then in the living room.

👉 I now buy myself my own flower bouquets to lighten up the mood in the house!



Step 3: Foster Positive Relationships

The Importance of Relationships

The people you share your home with have a significant impact on the overall atmosphere. Fostering positive relationships with family members, housemates or even your circle of friends is crucial for a happy home environment.

Tips for Positive Interactions

  • Communication: Practice open and honest communication. Listen actively and express your thoughts and feelings clearly.
  • Quality Time: Spend quality time together through activities like meals, games, or family and friends outings. Have your time spent together be meaningful for all the parties involved.
  • Respect and Support: Show respect and support for each other's needs, boundaries and beliefs while remaining true to yourself.

Building a Supportive Home

A home where positive relationships thrive is one where everyone feels valued, understood, and supported. This fosters a sense of belonging and contributes to a positive atmosphere.


👉 Reach out to an old friend, catch-up on life via video calls.

👉 Cut out relationships that are draining. You’ll recup that energy for yourself.

👉 We all go through highs and lows. It's wise to remind yourself to avoid reacting impulsively during conflicts; instead, take time to engage in calm discussions once emotions have settled.



Step 4: Create Dedicated Spaces for Relaxation

The Need for Relaxation

Having a place to unwind and relax is essential for maintaining mental and emotional well-being. Meditation, stretches or yoga, breath work and qi-gong have grown in popularity and for the benefits they provide.

Dedicating Relaxation Spaces

  • Reading Nook: Create a cozy corner with a comfortable chair or pillow, good lighting, a blanket and your favorite books.
  • Meditation Area: Set up a quiet space with cushions, candles if you like, and calming music or healing frequencies for meditation or yoga.
  • Outdoor Oasis: If you have outdoor space, design a peaceful garden or patio area where you can relax and enjoy nature. This can be the first thing you do in the morning; catching the first rays of sunlight while slowly taking 5 deep breaths.


👉 Puzzles or artwork can be very relaxing and meditative.

👉 I use 20 min before bedtime to stretch in bed with a simple routine of 6 - 8 exercices.

👉 If you’re new to meditation and are looking for and easy guide to start you can read both articles my step by step guide to meditation & the easy breathing meditation techniques.

Benefits of Relaxation Spaces

Having dedicated spaces for relaxation helps reduce stress, improve focus, and promote a sense of calm. These areas become sanctuaries where you can recharge and rejuvenate.



Step 5: Infuse Your Home with Pleasant Scents

The Power of Scent

Scents have a direct impact on our mood and emotions, particularly essential oils. Pleasant aromas can create a welcoming and positive atmosphere in your home. (Before usage, make sure you can tolerate such concentrated powerful scents).

Choosing the Right Scents

  • Lavender: Known for its calming and stress-relieving properties.
  • Citrus: Uplifting and energizing, perfect for boosting mood.
  • Eucalyptus: Refreshing and invigorating, great for creating a spa-like feel.

How to Use Scents

Use essential oil diffusers, scented candles, or fresh flowers to infuse your home with these pleasant aromas and enhance the positive ambiance of your home.


👉 Enscent, sage or palo santo offer nice natural fragrances as well.

Some scents align better with our body frequencies. That in itself is a fascinating topic on its own, I cover some aspects to in in my article: Human Body Frequencies



Step 6: Choose Calming Colors

The Psychology of Color

Colors have a profound impact on our emotions and well-being. Choosing the right colors for your home can create a sense of peace and positivity.

Best Colors for a Positive Environment

  • Blues and Greens: These colors are known for their calming and soothing effects.
  • Neutrals: Soft neutrals like beige, gray, and white create a clean and tranquil backdrop.
  • Pops of Bright Colors: Use bright colors sparingly to add energy and vibrancy without overwhelming the space.

How to Use Color in Your Home

Paint walls in calming hues, choose furniture and decor in complementary colors, and use accent pieces to introduce pops of brighter shades. This approach helps create a visually pleasing and positive environment.



Step 7: Maintain a Clean and Tidy Home

The Importance of Cleanliness

A clean home is a healthy home. Regular cleaning helps reduce allergens, bacteria, and other pollutants, creating a safer and more pleasant environment.

Tips for Keeping Your Home Clean

  • Daily Tidying: Spend a few minutes each day tidying up to prevent clutter from accumulating.
  • Regular Cleaning Schedule: Establish a regular cleaning schedule for tasks like vacuuming, dusting, and mopping.
  • Involve Everyone: Make cleaning a family activity where everyone contributes, making it less burdensome and more efficient.

Benefits of a Clean Home

A clean and tidy home promotes physical health, reduces stress, and enhances the overall positive atmosphere. It also makes your home more inviting and comfortable for both residents and guests.


👉 I recently upgraded my vacuum and it was a game changer. Quick on-off, cord less, easy access and works perfectly for my space. I love this vacuum and don’t understand why it took me so long to change it!

👉 For quick and easy access for easy mopping I use a Swiffer Wet Jet and it works wonders for maintaining a spotless floor.

The 2 above combined helps me save time between “deep cleaning”. I also use cleaning wipes around the bathroom for regular quick maintenance. 🙂

Inhale. Exhale. Repeat T-Shirt


Creating a positive environment at home involves a combination of decluttering, incorporating natural elements, choosing calming colors, fostering positive relationships, creating relaxation spaces, infusing pleasant scents, and maintaining cleanliness. 

By following these steps, you can transform your home into a haven of positivity, peace, and well-being. Whether you're looking to improve your own living conditions or create a more inviting atmosphere for your family, these tips will help you achieve a happier and more harmonious home environment.

As you actively explore your preferred options, don’t hesitate to play your favorite songs to boost the mood while you’re working.

As always, consistency is key. One step at a time will also boost your sense of accomplishment getting closer to your goal. Regularly implementing these practices will ensure that your home remains a source of joy and comfort for years to come.

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